Magyar Kutatók 10. Nemzetközi Szimpóziuma


Final Program

Final Program can be downloaded as a pdf file.

Final Papers

Robots between Fictions and Facts
Jana Horáková, Jozef Kelemen

Evolutionary Approach for Structural and Paramentric Adaptation of BP-like Multilayer Neural Networks
Jaroslav Tuhársky, Tomaš Reiff, Peter Sincák

Dependence of Complexity of Neural Networks on Input Dimension
Vera Kurkova

Structure for Behaviourist Representation of Knowledge
Claudiu Pozna

Modern Control Solutions for Mechatronic Servosystems. Comparative Case Studies
Claudia-Adina Dragos, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup, Marian Cretiu

Advanced Anytime Control Algorithms And Modeling of Turbojet Engines
Ladislav Fozo, Rudolf Andoga, Ladislav Madarász

Classification of Vigilance Levels Related EEG Spectrograms
David Coufal

Modeling and Simulation of an Incremental Encoder Used in Electrical Drives
János Jób Incze, Csaba Szabó, Mária Imecs

The Lagrange Interpolation Formula for Analyzing Fluid Movement in Network Profiles
Adalbert Kovács, Levente Kovács

Computational Intelligence assisted Theory Building in Economics
Ladislav Andrasik

A Higher Order Adaptive Approach to Tackle the Swinging Problem
József K. Tar, Imre J. Rudas, János F. Bitó, José A. Tenreiro Machado, Krzysztof R. Kozlowski

Dataflow Features in Computer Networks
Gyula Max

Congestion Forecast Strategies
Roland L. Kovács, László Nádai, Andrea Kovács-Tóth

Comparative Survey of Thinning Algorithms
Márk Vincze, Bence Kovári

Survey on Three Fuzzy Inference-based Student Evaluation Methods
Zsolt Csaba Johanyák

Comparative Analysis of Various Evolutionary and Memetic Algorithms
Krisztián Balázs, János Botzheim, László T. Kóczy

Usability of Neural Networks in Off-line Signature Verification
Ádám Horváth, Bence Kovári

A Global, Camera-based Mobile Robot Localization
István Engedy, Gábor Horváth

3D Internet for Cognitive Info-Communication
Péter Baranyi, Bjørn Solvang, Hideki Hashimoto, Péter Korondi

Past and Present of Automatic Glucose-Insulin Control Research at BME
Levente Kovács, Balázs Benyó, Zoltán Benyó, Adalbert Kovács

Binary Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the Spectral Projected Gradient Optimization
Tibor Lukic, Anikó Lukity

Walk Optimization for Hexapod Walking Robot
István Kecskés, Péter Odry

Segmentation-based Optimal Experiment Design
László Dobos, Zoltán Bankó, János Abonyi

Novel Model of Proof Test Coverage Factor
György Baradits, János Madár, János Abonyi

Quasi Optimization of Fuzzy Neural Networks
Rita Lovassy, László T. Kóczy, László Gál

Optimization of Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem by a Novel Representation based Genetic Algorithm
András Király, János Abonyi

New Possibilities in Human-Machine Interaction
András A Tóth, Balázs Tusor, Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy

Graphs of Generative Grammars
Benedek Nagy

Mojette Transform FPGA Implementation and Analysis
József Vásárhelyi, Péter Szoboszlai, Jan Turán, Péter Serfözo

Property Analysis of Visual Behavior Models to Code Transformation
Tamás Mészáros, Gergely Mezei

A Formalism for Automated Verification of Model Transformations
Márk Asztalos, László Lengyel, Tihamér Levendovszky

The Study of the Flow Conditions of Air Jet Weaving Machines
István Patkó, Lóránt Szabó

Cost Model for Near Real-time Recommender Systems
József Marton, Zsolt T. Kardkovács, Péter Éberhardt

Delay Propagation in a Real Life Railway Network Controlled by a Fuzzy Logic Rule Base
Mark Farkas, Tibor Héray, Gábor Rózsa, László T. Kóczy

Design of a Simultaneous Active Localizaton, Mapping and Navigation Algorithm
András Androvic

Learning Methods for Similarity Handling in Phonebook-centric Social Networks
Péter Ekler, Tamás Lukovszki

Mathematica Parallel Computing. Some Timing Results on a Intel Nehalem Multicore Processor
Béla Paláncz, Levente Kovács

A Comparison Framework for Clustering Algorithms
Ferenc Kovács, Zoltán Dávid and Renáta Iváncsy

Generating (Fuzzy) Frequent Itemsets by a Bitmap-based Algorithm – the Word’s Most Compact Frequent Itemset Miner
János Abonyi

Neural Network-based Friction Identification in Hydraulic Actuators
Lorinc Márton, Szabolcs Fodor

A Scalable Bluetooth Scatternet Formed by Autonomous Mobile Robots and Cell Phones
Tamás Kovács, Attila Pásztor, Zoltán Istenes

Image-based Automatic Object Localisation in iSpace Environment
Péter Zanaty, Péter Korondi, Gábor Sziebig, László A. Jeni

ICE Extension of RT-Middleware Framework
Zoltán Krizsán

Human Body Measuring and 3D Modelling
Péter Tamás, Marianna Halász

Reduced Rule Base in Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based Q-learning
Dávid Vincze, Szilveszter Kovács

New and Classical Definitions for Products in PLM Models
László Horváth, Imre J. Rudas

Out-of Core Processing in Preparation Phase of Data Mining Tasks
Tamás Schrádi, Sándor Juhász

Improving Designer-Developer Workflow for Better User Experience
Dániel Dávid Nagy, Bence Kovári

Novel Models and Algorithms for Queue Limit Modeling
Ágnes Bogárdi-Mészöly, András Rövid, Tihamér Levendovszky

Spatial and Frequency Domain Comparison of Interpolation Techniques in Digital Image Processing
Miklós Póth, Tibor Szakáll

Implicit Function Reconstruction in the Errors-in-Variables Context
Levente Hunyadi

Schema Matchers’ Performance Improvement
Balázs Villányi, Péter Martinek

Model-based Algorithm for Statistical Intrusion Detection
Petar Cisar, Sanja Maravic Cisar

Hardwer-in-the-Loop Testing of an Electrohydraulic Servo System
Attila Kovári

On the Structure of Finite Involutive Uninorm Chains
Sándor Jenei

Some illustrations of possibilistic correlation
Robert Fullér, József Mezei, Péter Várlaki

RoboCup a Worldwide Research and Educational Project on the Intelligent Autonomous Mobile Robots
Ágnes B. Simon, Attila Szazvai

Distant Monitoring and Control for Mobile Robots Using Wireless Sensor Network
János Simon, Goran Martinovic

Self-Adaptive Product Configurator for Thermal Insulation
Igor Fürstner, Zoran Anišic

The Bureaucratic Organization in Enterprises under Crisis Conditions
Eva Pataki, Andras Sagi

Consumer Behaviour and Asymmetric Information Theory
Andras Sagi, Eva Pataki

Functional Paradigm in Embedded Systems
Anita Szabó, Norbert Sram

Measuring the Preferred Learning Style: Case Study
Robert Pintér, Sanja Maravic Cisar

A Lower Limit for the Probability of Success of Computing Tasks in a Grid
Christer Carlsson, Robert Fullér, József Mezei

Implementation of a Mobile Measuring Station For the Purpose of Measuring and Controlling the Greenhouse Application
István Matijevics, Simon János

UAV Airframe Development Using 3D Modeling Technology
Géza Bognár, László Ványa, István Reé

Heterogeneous Control of Small Size Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Daniel Stojcsics

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Hungarian Defence Forces
László Kovács, László Ványa

Unmanned Aerial Systems for Supporting Decision Makers at Forest Fires
Ágoston Restás

Flight Control System of an Experimental Unmanned Quad-Rotor Helicopter
Antal Turóczi

Future Trends in UAS Avionics
Bálint Vanek

UAV Development at BHE Bonn Hungary Ltd.
Gyula Mikó, Károly Kazi, János Solymosi, József Földes

Real Time Tracking of Aerobots
Ádám Léczfalvy



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