Call for Papers
Paper Submission
General Information

Budapest Tech Jubilee Conference

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit a full paper including authors' names, affiliations, mailing address, e-mail account until June 1, 2004.
Please, use this paper format. Maximum lenght of the paper is 12 pages. Acceptable file formats are pdf of rtf. To avoid loosing or modifying some characters during file transmission, authors are asked to save embedded true type font by the following steps in Word: Tools -> Options -> Save -> tick Embed True Type fonts. Thank you.

Author's Schedule

Deadline of full paper submission: June 1, 2004
Deadline of notification: June 15, 2004
Deadline of final paper submission: August 19, 2004
Please, send your final paper to Anikó Szakál by e-mail szakal@bmf.hu