Welcome to SAMI 2022!
Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished paper and attend the IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2022) to be held on March 2-5, 2022 in Poprad, Slovakia.
IEEE Publication

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The conference proceedings is now available via IEEE Xplore.
Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Technologies are very important tools in building intelligent systems with various degree of autonomous behaviour. These groups of tools support such features as ability to learn and adaptability of the intelligent systems in various types of environments and situations. The current and future Information Society is expecting to be implemented with the framework of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) approach into technologies and everyday life.
Intelligent Robotics
Intelligent Mechatronics
Computational Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Man-Machine Systems
Systems Engineering
Engineering Education (e-learning)
Biomedical Engineering
Call for Papers to Special Session on Cybersecurity and 5G Cybersecurity
Special Session Chairs: Miklós Kozlovszky,
Anna Bánáti,
Zoltán Rajnai and
László Nádai, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
New, complex systems (such as 5G or 6G) have started to deliver a novel mobile network architecture that not only providing near real-time communication with improved physical data rate, but also creates a new ecosystem allowing the deployment of novel services and applications. Cybersecurity with special areas such as 5G cybersecurity, automotive cybersecurity and IoT cybersecurity is a challenging research field. A key target for safe and reliable future networks will be to improve support not only for classical mobile broadband applications and services but also for vertical industry (e.g. Intelligent Transport, Industrial IoTs, eHealth, etc.) and other mobility-based services. This special session aims to bring cybersecurity experts from industry, academia and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances in cybersecurity focusing on 5G and beyond.
Call for Papers
Call for Papers to Special Session on Generational aspects of digitalization
Special Session Chairs: Mónika Garai-Fodor and
Ágnes Csiszárik-Kocsir, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
A number of studies examine theories of generation, comparing today's generation with those of the past. Today's young workers are members of Generation Z, whose colleagues are Generation X and Generation Y workers. The source of the huge conflicts between the generations is the difference in outlook, pace of work and approach to things. Generation Z, also known as the always online generation, was born into the digital age. For them, using technology is a basic skill, and smartphones, smartwatches, computers and tablets are essential. They are open and expecting digital solutions, they are at home with any digital solution or tool. For them, the online space is like the physical space, they demand and expect to use it. Previous generations use and apply digital solutions, but they are also comfortable in offline spaces. The different attitudes of different generations are a source of many conflicts at work and in everyday life. All these characteristics, presented in a nutshell, are the subject of several studies and research, supported by the presentations made and presented in this session. In this session, we intend to analyse and discuss issues that affect different generations and that revolve around different topics of digitalisation, from education to employment.
Call for Papers
Plenary Speakers
Marek Penhaker: Biomedical Engineering in the 21st Century and in the Future [abstract]
Dwight Meglan: Building a Surgical Robotics Company to Succeed [abstract]
Authors' Schedule
- Full paper submission: October 28, 2021
- Notification: November 19, 2021
- Final paper submission: January 30, 2022

- Hotel AquaCity
- address: Športová 1397/1, 058 01 Poprad, Slovakia
- Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
- University Research and Innovation Center (EKIK)
- Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
- Elfa
- Slovak Academy of Sciences
- SMC TC on Computational Cybernetics
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Chapter of Czechoslovak Section
- IEEE Hungary Section
- IEEE SMC Chapter, Hungary
- IEEE Joint Chapter of IES and RAS, Hungary
- IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Hungary
Technical Co-Sponsor
- IEEE SMC Society