Authors' Schedule
- Full paper submission: May 25, 2017
- Notification: July 3, 2017
- Final paper submission: August 10, 2017
- Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
- Subotica Tech, Serbia
- IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Computational Cybernetics
- IEEE Hungary Section
- IEEE SMC Chapter, Hungary
- IEEE CI Chapter, Hungary
- IEEE IES and RAS Joint Chapter, Hungary
Technical Sponsor
- IEEE SMC Society
In Technical Co-operation with
- Vojvodina Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia
- Ministry of Sciences and Ecology of Serbia
- IEEE CI Chapter, Serbia
- Hungarian Fuzzy Association
- Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Next Events
SISY 2017 latest info
Please enlarge the maps containing the conference venues.
Please note that there are only a few parking places at VTS because of the renovation right now, so it's better to leave your cars in the hotel parking place and walk to VTS.
Welcome to SISY 2017

Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished paper and attend the IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2017) to be held on September 14-16, 2017 in Subotica, Serbia
IEEE Publication

The conference appears on the IEEE Conference Search.
Conference proceedings that meet IEEE quality review standards may be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore), if the paper is not presented at the conference.
'Pay to publish' is not allowed by IEEE. So at least one author of a paper must show up and present the paper at the conference.
The conference proceedings is now available via IEEE Xplore
Papers are indexed by Web of Science.
Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Hamido Fujita:
Data Analytics for Clouds Health-Care and Risk Predictions based on Ensemble Classifiers and Subjective Projection

Prof. Dr. Okyay Kaynak:
The Entanglement of Control and IT in 21st Century: Intelligent Systems

Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács:
Cyber-Medical Systems: Challenges and Possibilities
The aim of SISY 2017 symposium is to offer researchers an opportunity to extend the existing scientific relationships all over the world in the field of Intelligent Systems. Our hope is that researchers and lecturers working at various institutions will find common research areas at the conference so that they can cooperate on bilateral or international projects.
Computational Intelligence (track chair: Róbert Fullér): Machine Learning, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Nets, Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Control, Knowledge Based Systems, Expert Systems
Intelligent Robotics (track chair: Branislav Borovac): Control, Flexible Arm Control, Perception and Recognition, Reasoning, Learning, Robotic Systems, Human-Robotic Interaction, Service Robots, Surgery Robots, Machine Vision
Intelligent Mechatronics (track chair: Radu-Emil Precup): Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion, Motion Control, Intelligent Actuators
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (track chair: László Horváth): Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Scheduling, System Simulation, Rapid Prototyping, Concurrent Engineering, Virtual Reality
Informatics (track chair: Levente Kovács): The Web, Business & Digital Culture, Databases, Design & Graphics, Digital Audio, Video and Photography, Hardware, Home & Office, Networking & Sys Admin, Operating Systems, programming, Science & Math, Security Software Engineering, Healthcare Informatics, Teaching Informatics, Informatics in education process
Applied Mathematics (track chair: Ivana Štajner-Papuga)