Paper ID # | Paper Title | Authors | Country | Final Paper | Registration |
BFD-001 | Optimization of a Robot for Handling Glass Plates | Nicoló D'Alfio, Gabriella Eula | Italy |  9 pages |  |
BFD-002 | The (Short) Robot Chronicle (On the 20th Century Cultural History of Robots) | Jana Horakova | Czech Republic |  8 pages |  |
BFD-003 | Development of Robot Controllers Based on PC Hardware and Open Source Software | D. Dallefrate, D. Colombo, L. Molinari Tosatti | Italy |  |  |
BFD-004 | Plenary Lecture How Intelligent the Toy Robots are? | János Somló, Anna Katyopova, András Molnár, Denisz Olsanszkij, Zoltán Vámossy | Hungary |  | Registration |
BFD-005 | Computational Robot Consciousness - A Pipe Dream or a (Future) Reality? | Jozef Kelemen | Czech Republic |  7 pages |  |
BFD-006 | Tip-Grasp Experiences with Three-Finger Anthropomorphic LARM Hand | Nestor Eduardo Nava Rodríguez, Marco Ceccarelli | Italy |  5 pages |  |
BFD-007 | Plenary Lecture Recent Advances in Robotics and Mechatronics - From Space to Surgery | Gerd Hirzinger | Germany | Final Paper | Registration |
BFD-008 | Plenary Lecture The Human Frontier: Robotics New Quest and Challenge | Oussama Khatib | USA | Final Paper | Registration |
BFD-009 | Bimanual Haptic Telepresent Control Applied to Disposal of Explosive Ordnances - Concepts and Experimental Validation - | Günther Schmidt, Alexander Kron | Germany |  6 pages |  |
BFD-010 | Family of Mechanical Anthropomorphic Poly-Mobile Grippers for Robots - Synthesis, Analysis, Design and Functional Simulation | Ionel Staretu, Marius Ionescu, Valentin Runcan | Romania |  5 pages |  |
BFD-011 | Early Experimental Tests on a Vision System for Robot Mechanical Calibration | Vincenzo Ciccarelli, Giovanni D'Orsi, Angelo Proni, Cesare Rossi | Italy |  8 pages |  |
BFD-012 | An Algorithm for Kinematic Calibration of Robot Arms | Vincenzo Niola, Emilia Pollasto, Cesare Rossi, Sergio Savino | Italy |  9 pages |  |
BFD-013 | Industrial Robots for Manipulation with Parallel Kinematic Machines | Zdenek Kolíbal | Czech Republic |  6 pages |  |
BFD-014 | Improved Pivot Grasping Using Friction Plane Contacts | Tomaz Koritnik, Tadej Bajd, Roman Kamnik, Marko Munih | Slovenia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-015 | Mobile Robot Path Planning Using Omnidirectional Wheels in Known or Partially Known Environments | Istvan Szabó, Radek Knoflícek | Czech Republic |  6 pages |  |
BFD-016 | Collision Avoidance Trajectory Design | Claudiu Pozna, Fritz Troester | Romania, Germany |  8 pages |  |
BFD-017 | The ZeeRO Mobile Robot - A Modular Architecture | Gheorghe Lazea, Radu Bogdan Rusu, Radu Robotin, Romulus Sime | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-018 | Experiments in Fuzzy Control of a Class of Servo Systems for Mobile Robots | Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup | Romania |  7 pages | Registration |
BFD-019 | Dynamic Performace of Micro-Compliant Platformforms: Experimental Analysis | Nicola P. Belfiore, Massimiliano Scaccia, Antonio Di Vasta, Francesco Ianniello | Italy |  6 pages |  |
BFD-020 | Human-Robot Interaction. Safety Problems | Ogorodnikova Olesya | Hungary |  6 pages |  |
BFD-021 | About the Simulation of the Human Knee Joint for Walking Locomotion | Dragos Popa, Daniela Tarnita, Danut Tarnita, Iulian Iordachita | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-022 | Robotic System for Image Guided Therapie - B-RobII | Gernot Kronreif, Martin Fürst, Wolfgang Ptacek, Martin Kornfeld, Joachim Kettenbach | Austria |  6 pages |  |
BFD-023 | Functional Modeling and Simulation of a Rotary Hydraulic Actuator Controlled by a Servovalve | Inocentiu Maniu, Valentin Ciupe, Valer Dolga, Corneliu Radulescu | Romania |  4 pages |  |
BFD-024 | Redesign of the Control Stage for an Obsolete Hydraulic Robot | Valentin Ciupe, Inocentiu Maniu, Valer Dolga, Corneliu Radulescu | Romania |  5 pages |  |
BFD-025 | AMORsim - A Mobile Robot Simulator for Matlab | Toni Petrinic, Edouard Ivanjko, Ivan Petrovic | Croatia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-026 | Design of Compliant Robotic Micro-devices | Stefan Havlík, Giuseppe Carbone | Slovakia, Italy |  6 pages |  |
BFD-027 | Fuzzy Model Based Robot Motion Control, Conventional and Decoupled Realization | Andreja Rojko, Karel Jezernik | Slovenia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-028 | Image-Based Visual Servo Control of a Robotic Arm by Using Cellular Neural Networks | Alexandru Gacsádi, Virgil Tiponut, Péter Szolgay | Romania, Hungary |  6 pages |  |
BFD-029 | Integrated Environment for Assisted Movement of Visually Impaired | Virgil Tiponut, Alexandru Gacsádi, Laviniu Tepelea, Calin Lar, Ioan Gavrilut | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-030 | A Quadruped Walking Robot as Educational Robot | Steliana Vatau | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-031 | Adjusting Process Parametres Using Intelligent Transducers and DAQ Boards | Madalin Stefan Vlad, Valentin Sgarciu | Romania |  8 pages |  |
BFD-032 | Smart Card and Biometrics Used for Secured Personal Identification System Development | Madalin Stefan Vlad, Razvan Tatoiu, Valentin Sgarciu | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-033 | Kinematic Optimization of a Haptic Interface with Redundant Actuation | Paolo Righettini, Steven Chatterton, Hermes Giberti | Italy |  9 pages |  |
BFD-034 | A Non-Overlapping Receptive Field Model Based on Receptive Field Physiology | András Róka, Ádám Csapó, Péter Baranyi | Hungary |  5 pages |  |
BFD-035 | Dynamics and Control of Two Planar Robot Manipulators Handling a Flexible Beam | Ali Tavasoli, Mohammad Eghtesad, Hamed Jafarian | Iran |  6 pages |  |
BFD-036 | Mechatronic Design for Autonomous Mobile Systems | Valer Dolga, Inocentiu Maniu, Cornel Radulescu, Valentin Ciupe | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-037 | Spherical Mechanisms Used in Industrial Robot Designing | Corneliu Radulescu, Inocentiu Maniu, Valer Dolga, Valentin Ciupe | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-038 | A Novel Index to Compare the Representation Quality of Objects Approximated with Spheres | Riccardo Franci, Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli | Italy |  6 pages |  |
BFD-039 | Calibration of Three-Axial Inertial Motion Sensor Using Industrial Robot and Optical System | Roman Kamnik, Simon Stegel, Marko Munih | Slovenia |  7 pages | Registration |
BFD-040 | A Holonic Fault Tolerant Manufacturing Platform with Multiple Robots | Theodor Borangiu, Florin Daniel Anton, Silvia Tunaru, Anamaria Dogar | Romania |  6 pages |  |
BFD-041 | Self-organized Self-learning of Artificial Fly Wings (pair of wings) Rotation for Howering and Gaided Flying Operation (in virtual environment) | Ladislav Andrasik | Slovakia |  |  |
BFD-042 | Exponential Stabilisation of Robot Arms | Václav Záda | Czech Republic |  4 pages |  |
BFD-043 | Multipurpose Control System and Mobile Robot Development for Control Algorithms Research | Denis A. Olchanski, Sergey A. Levykh | Hungary, Russia |  5 pages |  |
BFD-044 | Design of a Translating Parallel Robot Based on 3-CPU Kinematics | Massimo Callegari, Matteo-Claudio Palpacelli, Marco Scarponi | Italy |  7 pages |  |
BFD-045 | Analysis and Design of a 1-DOF Leg for Walking Machines | Cristina Tavolieri, Erika Ottaviano, Marco Ceccarelli, Alessandro Di Rienzo | Italy |  6 pages |  |
BFD-046 | An Approach to Integrated Modeling of Robot System in an Intelligent Space | László Horváth, Imre J. Rudas | Hungary |  | Registration |
BFD-047 | Mobile Robot Navigation Using Omnidirectional Vision | László Mornailla, Tamás Gábor Pekár, Csaba Gergõ Solymosi, Zoltán Vámossy | Hungary |  6 pages |  |
BFD-048 | The Design of a High Precision Linear Stage | Gyula Hermann | Hungary |  | Registration |
BFD-049 | Simulation of Robotic Manipulators | Leon Zlajpah | Slovenia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-050 | Stability Control of Human Inspired Jumping Robot | Jan Babic, Damir Omrcen | Slovenia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-051 | Integration of a Redundant Mobile Manipulator System: A Drink Serving Task | Damir Omrcen, Bojan Nemec, Andrej Kos,Leon Lahajnar, Jan Babic, Andrej Gams, Ales Ude, Leon Zlajpah | Slovenia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-052 | Automation in Shoe Assembly | Bojan Nemec, Leon Zlajpah | Slovenia |  5 pages |  |
BFD-053 | Designing and Implementing the Virtual Java Machine for Lego-based Intelligent Educational Robot | A. M. Stanescu, C. Ninca, M. Moisescu, A. Vedes | Romania |  |  |
BFD-054 | UML-based Design Methodology for Artificial Perception of Lego-based Robot | M. Moisescu, A. Vedes, V. M. Baciu, A. M. Stanescu | Romania |  |  |
BFD-055 | Computer Kit for Development, Modeling, Simulation and Animation of Mechatronic Systems | Karol Dobrovodský, Pavel Andris, Peter Kurdel | Slovakia |  5 pages |  |
BFD-056 | Application of Networks in Automotive Production | György Schuster, Tamás Sándor | Hungary |  6 pages | Registration |
BFD-057 | The Effect of the Static Striebeck Friction in the Robust VS/Sliding Mode Control of a Ball-Beam System | József K. Tar, János F. Bitó, Imre J. Rudas, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup | Hungary, Romania |  6 pages | Registration |
BFD-058 | Positioning Sensor for Mobile Robots | Rajko Mahkovic | Slovenia |  6 pages |  |
BFD-059 | Motion Control Simulation with Special Fuzzy Operators | Márta Takács | Hungary | Final Paper | Registration |
BFD-060 | Paper Title | Authors | Country | Final Paper | Registration |