Paper ID # | Paper Title | Authors | Country | Full Paper |
001 | On the Use of Iterative Feedback Tuning Algorithms in Fuzzy Control System Design | Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup, János Fodor, Barnabás Bede | Romania, Hungary |  |
002 | Model Transformer Plugin Generation | Ákos Horváth, Endre Borbély | Hungary |  |
003 | Paper Title | Tamás Réti | Hungary |  |
004 | Database Management Systems Comparative Study: Performances of Microsoft SQL Server Versus Oracle | Catalin Tudose, Carmen Odubasteanu | Romania |  |
005 | Tracking Control of Mechatronic Systems based on Precise Friction Compensation | Lõrinc Márton, Béla Lantos | Romania, Hungary |  |
006 | An Algorithm for Stability of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Logic Controller | Marius L. Tomescu | Romania |  |
007 | Opportunities of Emerging Technologies for Smart Houses - City-wide Energy, Gas and Water Measurement Networks | Lehel Nagy-Kulcsar, Petru Dobra, Daniel Moga, Mihai Dumitrean, Nicoleta Stroia | Romania |  |
008 | Performance Aspects of Fuzzy Logic Controlers with Improved Architecture | Doru Todinca, Radu-Emil Precup | Romania |  |
009 | The Comparative Study of the Cross Displacement Fields for a Kinematical Element Thin Plane Plate with Linear-Elastic Behavior, respectively, with Linear-Viscoelastic Behavior | Dan Gheorghe Bagnaru, Adina Cataneanu | Romania |  |
010 | Experiments in Multi-parametric Quadratic Programming | Zsuzsa Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup, József K. Tar, Márta Takács | Romania, Hungary |  |
011 | Using Fuzzy Logic for the Specification and Retrieval of Software Components | Ioana Sora, Doru Todinca | Romania |  |
012 | Diversity Enhancing Mechanisms for Evolutionary Optimization in Static and Dynamic Environments | Daniela Zaharie, Flavia Zamfirache | Romania |  |
013 | A Genetic Algorithm for the Two-dimensional Single Large Object Placement Problem | László Pál | Romania |  |
014 | Method for Automatic Diagnosis Used in Real-Time Control Systems | Gianina Gabor, Doina Zmaranda | Romania |  |
015 | Clustering Sequences with a Statistical Content Evaluation Method | Alina Bogan-Marta, Nicolae Robu | Romania |  |
016 | About the Behavior of Fixation Devices on the Fractured Mandible | Doina Dragulescu, Lucian Rusu, Mirela Toth Tascau | Romania |  |
017 | Hardware-software Solutions to Surveillance an Objective | Emil Voisan, Daniel Iercan, Florin Dragan, Onut Lungu | Romania |  |
018 | Prognosis and Diagnosis in Hepatitis C using Expert Systems and Statistical Analyses | Andreea Dragulescu, Adriana Albu, Catalin Gavriluta, Stefan Filip, Karoly Menyhardt | Romania |  |
019 | Extension of the Results of a Prevention Guides for Cardiovascular Diseases Using Interpolation | Dorin Berian, Toma L. Dragomir | Romania |  |
020 | Routing and Topology Extraction Protocol for a Wireless Sensor Network using Video Information | Madalin Cosma, Dan Pescaru, Bogdan Ciubotaru, Doru Todinca | Romania |  |
021 | CORE-TX: Collective Robotic Environment - the Timisoara Experiment | Razvan-Dorel Cioarga, Mihai V. Micea, Bogdan Ciubotaru, Dan Chiuciudean, Daniela Stanescu | Romania |  |
022 | Hardware Neural Network with MC431 DSP Board | Cosmin Cernazanu, Stefan Holban | Romania |  |
023 | Computer Controlled Automatic Calibration System for Dial Gauges | Gyula Hermann | Hungary |  |
024 | Towards a Reengineering Tool for Java based on Reverse Inheritance | Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Monica Ruzsilla, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Emanuel Tundrea | Romania |  |
025 | Paper Title | Zoltán Vámossy | Hungary |  |
026 | Efficiency Analysis of N-Gram Based Classification | Ágnes Lukács, Domonkos Tikk | Hungary |  |
027 | Genericity, and Customisation in a Lotus-based Solution for Communication between Local Public Institutions | Vasile Stoicu-Tivadar | Romania |  |
028 | Function Monitoring of Human Body by 3D g-sensor | György Györök | Hungary |  |
029 | On the Use of Robust Servo Control in Diabetes under Intensive Care | Levente Kovács, Balázs Kulcsár, Zoltán Benyó | Hungary |  |
030 | Robust Hºº Blood - Glucose Control with Mathematica | Levente Kovács, Béla Paláncz, Zoltán Benyó | Hungary |  |
031 | Modelling Control Systems by Autonomous Mini Robot | József Tick | Hungary |  |
032 | Considerations Regarding the Flux Estimation in Induction Generator with Application at the Control of Unconventional Energetic Conversion Systems | Iosif Szeidert, Octavian Prostean, Ioan Filip, Vasar Cristian | Romania |  |
033 | Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Synchronous Generator | Ioan Filip, Octavian Prostean, Cristian Vasar, Iosif Szeidert | Romania |  |
034 | Fuzzy Differential Equations in Modeling Hydraulic Differential Servo Cylinders | Attila L. Bencsik, Barnabás Bede, József K. Tar, János Fodor | Hungary |  |
035 | A Web-based E-learning Application of Self Study Multimedia Programme in Military English | Andrea Tick | Hungary |  |
036 | Fuzzy Logic Control Problems Simulation Based on Parametrizied Operators | Márta Takács, Sándor Szénási, Ágnes Szeghegyi | Hungary | Full Paper |
037 | Mobile Agents versus Multicasting for Military Applications | William Franklin | USA |  |
038 | Contribution of the Computer Science at Debts Registering in Accountancy | Mihaela Tulvinschi, Eugenia Iancu | Romania |  |
039 | Integrated Modeling for Data Integrity in Product Change Management | László Horváth, Imre J. Rudas | Hungary |  |
040 | Enhanced Mixed Campus and Distance Higher Education | Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup, József Gáti, Gyula Kártyás, Sándor Szénási | Romania, Hungary |  |
041 | The ACC Mobile Robot Control Program | Claudiu Pozna, Fritz Troester | Romania, Germany |  |
042 | Robust Potential Limited Control for Systems of Unmodeled Internal Degrees of Freedom | József K. Tar, Imre J. Rudas, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup | Hungary, Romania |  |
043 | New Concepts and Methods in Information Aggregation | János Fodor, Imre J. Rudas | Hungary |  |
044 | Uninorms and Absorbing Norms in Image Processing | Imre J. Rudas, János Fodor, Barnabás Bede | Hungary |  |
045 | Plenary paper Geometric Theory and Control of Linear Parameter Varying Systems | József Bokor | Hungary | Full Paper |
046 | Energy on the Roof | Péter Kádár | Hungary |  |
047 | A Particular Multi-Agent Framework for Execution of Application and Resource Management | Alexandru Cicortas, Victoria Iordan | Romania |  |
048 | SeaFM Facility Management Project. Integrated Management Methodology for the Property and Facility of Companies | Márta Seebauer, Zsolt Viniczay | Hungary |  |
049 | Evaluation of Soil-Parameters with Diffusion-Neural-Network | Zoltán Makó, Szilárd Máté | Romania |  |
050 | Improved Slope Identification Techniques in Extremum Control | Eva Dulf, Rodica Festila, Clement Festila | Romania |  |
051 | On Chained Cryptographic Puzzles | Bogdan Groza, Dorina Petrica | Romania |  |
052 | Algorithmic Design of a Fuzzy-Neural Method | William Franklin | USA |  |
053 | Optimal Improvement of the Akima's Method of Piecewise Smooth Interpolation | Alexandru Bica | Romania | Full Paper |
054 | Wireless Solutions for Telemetry in Civil Equipment and Infrastructure Monitoring | Bogdan Ciubotaru-Petrescu, Dan Chiciudean, Razvan Cioarga, Daniela Stanescu | Romania |  |
055 | Identification of Car Body Deformation Applying Tensor Product Models | István Harmati, András Rövid, László Szeidl, Péter Várlaki | Hungary |  |
056 | Serial Bus Monitoring Software for Microcontrollers Embedded in Mechatronic Systems | Mircea Popa, Marian Vasile, Sebastian Fuicu | Romania |  |
057 | The Dynamic Study of the Palm-Middle Finger System | Loredana Ungureanu, Doina Dragulescu, Antonius Stanciu, Marcel Sodinca | Romania |  |
058 | Aspects of TGS 813 Gas Sensor´s Use | Ioan Silea, Dorina Petrica | Romania |  |
059 | Multimedia Streaming of MP3 Audio Content Based on FM Stereo Radio Transmitter | Andrei Novak, Mircea Stratulat, Daniela Stanescu, Dan Chiciudean, Bogdan Ciubotaru, Razvan Cioarga | Romania |  |
060 | Acoustic Noise Elimination by FPAA | György Györök, Margit Makó | Hungary |  |
061 | Supervisor Control of a Flexible Manufacturing System Used in Spinning Mills | Dan Ungureanu-Anghel, Dan Lucian Mihaescu | Romania |  |
062 | Meaning as Differentiated-Cognition | Marius Crisan | Romania |  |
063 | Virtual Reality Laboratory for Robotic Systems | Daniel Cioi, Steliana Vatau, Inocentiu Maniu | Romania |  |
064 | Comparative Study Regarding Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on the Usage of Classical and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Controllers | Iosif Szeidert | Romania |  |
065 | Comparison of Elementary Fuzzy Sequential Digital Units based on Various Popular T-norms and Co-norms | Rita Lovassy, László T. Kóczy | Hungary | Full Paper |
066 | Cellular Automaton: 'The Roulette Wheel' and the Landscape Effect | Ioan Hălălae | Romania |  |
067 | Paper Title | Authors | Country | Full Paper |