Welcome to SAMI 2015!

Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished paper and attend the 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2015) to be held on January 22-24, 2015 in Herl'any, Slovakia.

SAMI 2015


Authors' Schedule

Full paper submission: November 12, 2014
Notification deadline: December 8, 2014
Final paper submission: December 30, 2014


Guest House of Technical University of Kosice in Herl'any
Address: 044 45 Herl'any, Slovakia
Coordinates: 48°48' N / 21°29' E


Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary


IEEE Hungary Section
IEEE Joint Chapter of IES and RAS, Hungary
IEEE Chapter of Computational Intelligence Society, Hungary
IEEE SMC Chapter, Hungary

Technical Sponsors

IEEE SMC Society
Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Hungarian Fuzzy Association

Date and Place

The conference will take place on January 22-24, 2015, in Herl'any, Slovakia.


Guest House of Technical University of Kosice in Herl'any.

Official Language

The official language of the conference is English. All the camera-ready manuscripts should be submitted in English, and presentations should be made in English.


Each accepted paper reaching us in time will be published in the volume of proceedings that will be distributed at the registration desk.

Opening Hours of the Registration Desk

The registration desk will be open during the conference.

Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation regarding registration fee is possible in written form received no later than January 3, 2015. In this case 80% of the received sum will be transferred back. No reimbursement is possible after this deadline.

Paper Presentation

All paper must be presented either in oral session or in poster session. If a paper, included into the proceedings, fails to be presented any way at the conference, all authors of the paper will be bar out from paper submission to conferences of the organizers in the future.
Oral Presentation
Presentations can be made by using OHP or data projector. All authors are kindly asked to take their presentation on CD or USB drive. To present the paper it is not allowed to use own computer. Conference room is supplied with OHP and data projector with PC.
Poster Presentation
If you choose to present your paper in a poster session, not in an oral session, please prepare the presentation into 9 A4 sheets or 1 large (70x100 cm) sheet, bring it with you to the conference and post it to the chart. Poster presentation does not mean just to print out your final paper, but it should be edited to make it scenic.

Lunch and Reception

All registered participants are cordially invited for lunch, evening reception and banquet.


There is wireless internet access in the main building.


Please, be so kind to your lungs and your colleagues by not smoking in the building and social events of the conference.