The registration is completed if you
* filled in the online registration form below,
* arranged the registration fee payment by wire transfer, it must be RECEIVED by October 7,
* submitted the final paper until October 14 the latest.
Only one paper can be included into the proceedings by paying one registration fee. For including any paper into the proceedings, it is necessary for at least one co-author to be registered and the registration fee has to be paid in advance until October 7.
All paper must be presented either in oral session or in poster session. If a paper, included into the proceedings, fails to be presented any way at the conference, all authors of the paper will be bar out from paper submission to conferences of the organizers in the future.
You are kindly asked to fill in the Invoice information field carefully, because it is the billing address. Invoice cancellation and modification cost EUR 30 extra.
According to GDPR rules, all participants must register before the conference. It is not possible to replace a co-author, colleague, mate without registration. Registration strictly means that the person who filled in the online registration form, must attend personally at the conference, and he/she can not be substituted by anyone else. Noone can take anyone else's badge or conference kit.