The registration is completed if you
* filled in the online registration form below,
* arranged the registration fee payment by wire transfer until November 10,
* submitted the final paper until November 10 the latest.
Every full paper, appearing in the proceedings of the conference, requires a registration. Each reg. is valid (with access to social events) for a single person only. In addition, each registered presenter has the opportunity to present his/her work in a DEMO presentation (besides the default oral presentation). Author's second paper costs EUR 20/page.
* filled in the online registration form below,
* arranged the registration fee payment by wire transfer until November 10,
* submitted the final paper until November 10 the latest.
Every full paper, appearing in the proceedings of the conference, requires a registration. Each reg. is valid (with access to social events) for a single person only. In addition, each registered presenter has the opportunity to present his/her work in a DEMO presentation (besides the default oral presentation). Author's second paper costs EUR 20/page.
Registration fee
registration fee: EUR 300
IEEE members: EUR 250
students: EUR 225
IEEE student: EUR 200
including conference kit and entrance to social events
accompanying person: EUR 180
including entrance to social events
IEEE members: EUR 250
students: EUR 225
IEEE student: EUR 200
including conference kit and entrance to social events
accompanying person: EUR 180
including entrance to social events
Online registration
open until 11:00 am CET on November 27, 2012.
All authors who plan to attend the conference are kindly asked to fill in the form.
Only registered participants are entitled to get badge and conference kit.
Thank you for your registration, see you in Kosice!
Papers without registration should be deleted on November 28, 2012 (without any notice).
All authors who plan to attend the conference are kindly asked to fill in the form.
Only registered participants are entitled to get badge and conference kit.
Thank you for your registration, see you in Kosice!
Papers without registration should be deleted on November 28, 2012 (without any notice).
Registration fee payment
Payment method: wire transfer
Account Holder: elfa, s r.o.
Account Holder Address: Park Komenského 7, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s.
Bank Address: Štúrova 28, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Bank Account: 2926884443 / 1100
IBAN: SK85 1100 0000 0029 2688 4443
Conference Identity Code: 02122012
ID Message (IMPORANT!): CogInfoCom / Participant Name
Should you have any difficulties during the registration process please kindly turn directly to the General Secretary of the Conference, Anikó Szakál at, and CC to the International Organizing Committee at
Account Holder: elfa, s r.o.
Account Holder Address: Park Komenského 7, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s.
Bank Address: Štúrova 28, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Bank Account: 2926884443 / 1100
IBAN: SK85 1100 0000 0029 2688 4443
Conference Identity Code: 02122012
ID Message (IMPORANT!): CogInfoCom / Participant Name
Should you have any difficulties during the registration process please kindly turn directly to the General Secretary of the Conference, Anikó Szakál at, and CC to the International Organizing Committee at
CogInfoCom 2012
December 2-5, 2012
Kosice, Slovakia
Kosice, Slovakia
Technical University of Kosice
Address: Letná 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovakia
Address: Letná 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovakia
Deadlines / Extended!
Full paper submission: September 15, 2012
Notification: October 15, 2012
Final paper submission: November 10, 2012
Notification: October 15, 2012
Final paper submission: November 10, 2012
Joint Event
3rd International Conference on Visual Learning:
Communication - Cognition - Curriculum
Budapest, at BME on 7-8 December, 2012
Click here---> Joint CFP
Budapest, at BME on 7-8 December, 2012
Click here---> Joint CFP
Conference Chairs
Honorary Chairs
Luis Gomes, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Bogdan Wilamowski, AMSTC, USA
Imre J. Rudas, Óbuda University, Hungary
Scientific Board
József Bokor, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Vilmos Csányi, Dpt. Ethology - ELTE, Hungary
Valéria Csépe, MTA, Hungary
General Chair
Péter Baranyi, MTA SZTAKI and BME, Hungary
General Co-Chair
Liberios Vokorokos, TUKE, Slovakia
Industrial Program Committee Chair
Gábor Vitályos, Vitályos Consulting
Technical Program Committee Chair
Károly Hercegfi, BME, Hungary
Luis Gomes, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Bogdan Wilamowski, AMSTC, USA
Imre J. Rudas, Óbuda University, Hungary
Scientific Board
József Bokor, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Vilmos Csányi, Dpt. Ethology - ELTE, Hungary
Valéria Csépe, MTA, Hungary
General Chair
Péter Baranyi, MTA SZTAKI and BME, Hungary
General Co-Chair
Liberios Vokorokos, TUKE, Slovakia
Industrial Program Committee Chair
Gábor Vitályos, Vitályos Consulting
Technical Program Committee Chair
Károly Hercegfi, BME, Hungary
Sponsored by
IEEE Hungary Section
IEEE Joint Chapter of IES and RAS, Hungary
IEEE Joint Chapter of IES and RAS, Hungary
In technical co-operation with
Visionair – Vision Advanced Infrastructure for Research
In scientific co-operation with
ANU-SCS, Australia
In industrial co-operation with
Vitályos Consulting
Next Events
SAMI 2013
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INES 2013
ICSSE 2013
ICCC 2013
LINDI 2013
SoMeT 2013
SISY 2013
CINTI 2013
CogInfoCom 2013
SACI 2013
INES 2013
ICSSE 2013
ICCC 2013
LINDI 2013
SoMeT 2013
SISY 2013
CINTI 2013
CogInfoCom 2013