Date and Place
Official Language
Opening Hours of the Registration Desk
Paper Presentation
Oral Presentation
Presentations can be made by using OHP or data projector. All authors are kindly asked to take their presentation on CD or USB drive. To present the paper it is not allowed to use own computer. Conference room is supplied with OHP and data projector with PC.
Poster Presentation
If you choose to present your paper in a poster session, not in an oral session, please prepare the presentation into 9 A4 sheets or 1 large (70x100 cm) sheet, bring it with you to the conference and post it to the chart. Poster presentation does not mean just to print out your final paper, but it should be edited to make it scenic.
Lunch and reception
Authors' Schedule
Full paper submission
February 20, 2013
Notification deadline
March 1, 2013
Final paper submission
March 10, 2013
Subotica Tech, Serbia
Óbuda University, Hungary
Vojvodina Hungarian Engineers Association
Subotica City Government
Town Hall
address: Trg Slobode 1,
24000 Subotica, Serbia
Next Events
Timisoara, Romania
Costa Rica
Budapest, Hungary
Lake Balaton, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Subotica, Serbia
Budapest, Hungary
Herl'any, Slovakia