The registration is completed if you
. filled in the online registration below,
. arranged the registration fee payment by wire transfer,
. submitted the final paper until January 30 the latest.
Only one paper can be included into the proceedings by paying one registration fee. For including any paper into the proceedings, it is necessary for at least one co-author to be registered and the registration fee has to be paid in advance until December 29. All paper must be presented either in oral session or in poster session. If a paper, included into the proceedings, fails to be presented any way at the conference, all authors of the paper will be bar out from paper submission to conferences of the organizers in the future.
Registration fee
Payment until December 29:
Regular registration fee: EUR 300
IEEE members and students: EUR 250
Late payment (after December 29) payment must be received by January 30
Regular registration fee: EUR 400
IEEE members and students: EUR 350
Payment method: wire transfer only
Account Holder: elfa, s r.o.
Account Holder Address: Park Komenského 7, SK-04001 Kosice, Slovakia
Bank: Tatrabanka, a.s.
Bank Address: Stúrova 28, Kosice, Slovakia
IBAN: SK85 1100 0000 0029 2688 4443
ID Message (IMPORANT!): SAMI 2022 / Participant Name / Paper number
Any additional expenses pertaining to banking operations are not included in the registration fee and must be covered by the registrants.
Online Registration
It is open from November 19 till December 29
Authors' Schedule
- Full paper submission: October 28, 2021
- Notification: November 19, 2021
- Final paper submission: January 30, 2022

- Hotel AquaCity
- address: Športová 1397/1, 058 01 Poprad, Slovakia
- Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
- University Research and Innovation Center (EKIK)
- Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
- Elfa
- Slovak Academy of Sciences
- SMC TC on Computational Cybernetics
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Chapter of Czechoslovak Section
- IEEE Hungary Section
- IEEE SMC Chapter, Hungary
- IEEE Joint Chapter of IES and RAS, Hungary
- IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Hungary
Technical Co-Sponsor
- IEEE SMC Society