SAMI 2020

18th IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics
Herl'any, Slovakia
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-3148-1

University Innovation Days 2020 ---> The event is postponed

Egyetemi Innovációs Napok ---> Elhalasztva egy későbbi időpontra
Óbuda University, EKIK, IEEE Hungary Section

Arabic Cultures Day 2020 ---> The event is postponed

Arab Kultúra Napja ---> Elhalasztva egy későbbi időpontra
Óbuda University
Bécsi út 96/b

SACI 2020 ---> Virtual event

14th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics
Timisoara, Romania
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-7376-4


XXX. Jubileumi Nemzetközi Hegesztési Konferencia ---> Elhalasztva egy későbbi időpontra
Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest

ISBN szám:

SoSE 2020 ---> Virtual event

15th IEEE System of Systems Engineering
SoSE Engineering
Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-8049-6

MEB 2020

18th Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking
Óbuda University KGK

ISBN number:

INES 2020 ---> Virtual event

24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems
Reykjavík, Iceland
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-1058-5

Mini Symposium 2020

Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering
Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
Bécsi út 96/b

SISY 2020 ---> Virtual event

18th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics
Subotica, Serbia
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-7351-1

MTÜ 2020

Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe rendezvénysorozat az Óbudai Egyetemen 2020
Óbudai Egyetem

ÚNKP Konferencia 2020

Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Program Konferencia az Óbudai Egyetemen 2020
Óbudai Egyetem

CINTI 2020 ---> Virtual event

20th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics
Budapest, Hungary
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-8339-8

ICCECIP 2020 ---> Virtual event

2nd International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastucture Protection
Budapest, Hungary
BGK, Óbuda University


3rd IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Electrical and Power Engineering
Budapest, Hungary
Presented papers are included into IEEE Xplore database.
ISBN number: 978-1-7281-8490-6

Egyetem Napja 2020

Egyetem Napja 2020
Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest
Az Óbudai Egyetem megalakulásának ünnepe