Copyright Conditions

IFAC copyright conditions

All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage, and the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines.
Accepted papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be published in the proceedings of the event using the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect. To this end, the author(s) must grant exclusive publishing rights to IFAC under a Creative Commons license when they submit the final version of the paper. The copyright belongs to the authors, who have the right to share the paper in the same terms allowed by the end user license, and retain all patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data).

Paper Submission

All papers published in IFAC PoL must be between 4 (minimum) and 6 (maximum) pages in the final version.
No extra page charges are allowed.
Only one paper can be included into the proceedings by paying one registration fee. For including any paper in the proceedings, it is necessary for at least one co-author to be registered and the registration fee has to be paid in advance until April 15, 2025. Author's second paper costs EUR 20/page.
Papers have to be submitted via the IFAC PaperPlaza conference manuscript management system, following the IFAC guidelines (

Authors' Schedule

Contributed PaperInvited Session ProposalInvited PaperExtended AbstractIFAC Young Author Award
Submission deadlineFebruary 22January 15February 1January 31March 15
Review deadlineMarch 13January 20March 13March 13April 15
Associate Editor's report deadlineMarch 15January 20March 15March 15April 20
Opening date for final submissionsMarch 15-March 15March 15March 15
Final Submission deadlineApril 15-April 15April 15April 15

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Óbuda University
Address: Bécsi út 96/b, H-1034 Budapest, Hungary

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IFAC ACE 2025 Secretariat
