9:00 - 11:30
| | 2015 Honorary Professors' Talks
9:00 - 9:10
| | Opening Ceremony
9:10 - 9:50
| | Roberto Moreno-Díaz: On the Links of Models and Theories of the Nervous System with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Computer Sciences
| | Presentation is available: 
| | Abstract: The presentation explores the origins and contents, evolution and present situation of some branches of Neurocybernetics (understood as the formulation of Models and Theories of the Nervous System). Their historical and present day links to A.I. within the context of practicing Computer Sciences are also described.
Starting with three remarkable pieces of work by the “masters” Wiener, McCulloch and Craik in the early forties, we pay attention to the basic topics treated in the multiple multidisciplinary meetings they organized as well as their original ideas and their evolution. They extend from goal directed activity theories to circular causality, reverberations, learning, computation and reliability, information and communication fundamentals, modular networks and automata theory, among many other.
The level structure in the mathematical and formal tools needed in the theories, parallel both in the biological and artificial systems is made apparent.
We follow taking into account the three paradigms of A.I. having links and roots in Neurocybernetics: Symbolic Agents, Connectivistic A.I. and Situated Intelligent Agents.
We finish emphasizing some conceptual, quasi-philosophical topics, many already suggested by the early masters, that are still ahead, very attractive and challenging.
9:50 - 10:10
| | Coffee Break
10:10 - 10:50
| | Jacek M. Zurada: Computational Intelligence Methods and their Applications for Data Analysis
| | Presentation is available: 
| | Abstract:This presentation reviews in a tutorial fashion basic premises and techniques of computational intelligence (CI) and is mostly addressed to researchers in areas other than CI. It presents basic concepts of modeling systems output with neural networks (NN) based on incomplete knowledge of that system that is only partially measurable and can learn the model in a supervised way. Basic methods of unsupervised clustering and data mapping with NN are also discussed. Techniques illustrated focus on data compression, clustering and data mapping. In addition, introductory concepts of fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing are also discussed. Applications demonstrated cover how select example tasks of optimizations, control systems design and data clustering can be implemented with this the CI family of methods.
10:50 - 11:30
| | Hans J. Hoyer: Sharing Global Experiences,
Challenges and Opportunities in Engineering Education
| | Presentation is available: 
| | Abstract:
Hans J Hoyer will provide an overview of the strategic directions and activities of several key global engineering education organizations that he leads and is deeply involved in. He will provide some insights into SPEED and the global engineering student activities it catalyzes globally; will focus on the entrepreneurial qualities essential to succeed in a global economy; will focus on a global initiative entitled "the Attributes of the Global Engineer" developed thanks to an existing partnership between academia and the corporate world; and finally will give attendants a brief exposure to a variety of global events where he hopes to motivate and consequently engage the student body and faculty at Óbuda University.
11:30 - 13:00
| | Reception